AbiWord ist vergleichbar mit Microsoft Word und kann kostenlos. Excel und Powerpoint gratis zum Download.Microsoft Office 2007 Deutsch: Download von 'Microsoft Office 2007', den Sie mit einem gltigen Key zur Vollversion freischalten knnen.Download Microsoft Office Word Viewer kostenlos, sicher und 100% virengeprft von Softonic. Microsoft outlook 2010 free. download full version free download - Microsoft Office 2010, SmartReply 2010 for Microsoft Outlook 2010, TuneReplyAll for Microsoft Outlook 2010, and many more programs.
Microsoft Office Starter 2010 gives home users who are buying preloaded PCs the ability to perform the most common and basic productivity tasks right out of the box. Office Starter consists of Microsoft Word Starter 2010 and Microsoft Excel Starter 2010 only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising.
This version only works on 32-bit Windows machines.
Office Starter consists of Word Starter and Excel Starter only, reduced functionality versions of Microsoft Word and Excel with advertising. It does not contain Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote, or Outlook.
Word Starter and Excel Starter are reduced functionality versions of the full versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Word Starter and Excel Starter include features for basic authoring and editing, but lack more powerful features like the ability to track comments and changes in your documents; password protect your documents; create tables of contents, footnotes, citations or bibliographies; perform advanced data analysis such as with pivot tables; and the ability to customize the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.
Office Starter has the same file support as full Office 2010. You will be able to easily send documents back and forth from Office Starter to other people using the full versions of Word and Excel and vice versa. Starter provides full fidelity viewing, so people who are using Office Starter will still be able to see features that are not included in Office Starter.
This site has direct download links to Digital River for most Office 2010 installation file, Office bundles and standalone programs. You may have to scroll down to find your language.Office 2013 Professional Plus / Office 2013 Language Pack / Project 2013 Professional / Visio 2013 Professional
NOTE: if you do not have the installation file on an “official” MS installation disk, download and save it to your HD. Then you should burn it to one or more DVDs for future use. And at the same time, write down the product key on the DVD. You need both items for future installations, say after your computer crashes and you have re-installed windows. At that point you won’t be able to extract it from the registry and won’t remember where the online account is.
Office 2010 / 2007 Download locations - http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-office_install/here-are-the-download-locations-for-office-2010/ac67aa2f-dc1c-46f4-8b1d-ca00b3f02a18
- This site is also used if you took advantage of the “Office 2010 Technology Guarantee”, the free “upgrade” offer from 2007 to 2010 for people who bought Office 2007 in the months shortly before 2010 was released.Although the program expired long ago, this site still provides you access to the product key you were issued and the online download you originally used. See the instructions on this : http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/tech-guarantee/
https://office.microsoft.com/en-us/buy/netbook-FX101850729.aspx - Download Office for Netbooks (H&S, H&B, PRO, Standalone Apps)
Direct downloads from Digital River of Trials (you need to have the Product Key already)
http://msft.digitalrivercontent.net/office2010/X17-75058.exeOffice 2010 Home and Student x86 (English) - X17-75058